Pathology of Originality and Independence of the Student Movement in Contemporary Iran

Document Type : Original Independent Original Article


1 Faculty of Law & Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Azadshar Branch, Azadshar, Iran.

2 MA on Regional Studies, University of Allameh, Tehran, Iran


This article utilizes the descriptive – analytical approach in response to the question of whether the student movement in contemporary Iran, in general, and in the Islamic Republic era, in particular, is considered as an independent political movement or not. To express more clearly, this paper will analyze whether the student movement in political - social evolutions of contemporary Iran and especially during the Islamic Republic of Iran has been independent, or is influenced by the other political movements and circles. The present study also tries to show that the political circles in a major part of the political - social evolutions of contemporary Iran have used student movements as a tool, and in terms of activity, have made them as its dependent. During the Pahlavi era the movement has been a function of three circles, including the left (Marxism), nationalism, and religious, and in the era of Islamic Republic it was influenced by Marxism and liberalism and then by Islamists, including the reformism and conservatism groups. Certainly testing and confirming this hypothesis does not negate the independence and independent activity of student movements in the short period of the Islamic revolution’s life and active presence in the eight years of sacred defense.


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