Islamic Teachings and Human Rights

Document Type : Original Independent Original Article


Associated Prof. International Relations Dep.


Three focal points in the subject of Islamic teachings and human rights can be considered: 1. What are human rights? 2. Where does Islam critique human rights? 3. How is the viewpoint of Islam about human rights? It is clear that human rights in the distant past could have been difficult to enter in religions (Tomuschat, 2008: 18). Islam, like all other religions, did not begin to reconcile with human rights at the outset. It seemed very natural for human rights advocates to extend the rules of freedom of thought, expression, religion, and confrontation with slavery, torture, harsh sentences and executions as a universal belief and value. On the other hand, instead of presenting better ways for the lives of individuals in every religion, a number of religious leaders and scholars from different religions have emphasized points of opposition to human rights. It became perceived that religious laws were in conflict with human rights and some discussed the contradictions of the Shari'a with human rights were raised. This research examines the hypothesis in response to the key question of how reconciliation between human rights and Islam takes place. The authors hypothesize that the shift in the interaction of the Islamic Sharia with Islamic civil law on human rights reduces the link between human rights and Islam. The researcher has used personal studies and research findings.


Main Subjects

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