The Future Study of France Foreign and Defense Policy in Yemeni Crisis and its Effect on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Independent Original Article


1 MA. of France Study, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Prof. of International Relations at Imam Sadigh University

3 PhD. Student of Political Science,, Imam Sadigh University


The Yemeni crisis, as one of the most important challenges in Western Asia, has involved many countries. Given the importance of the Yemeni state and its crisis, many countries in the region and beyond are seeking to influence it for their own benefit. One of these countries is France. The importance of shipping from the Gulf of Aden to the Mediterranean for France has made the European country not indifferent to the war in Yemen and to sell a huge amount of military weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Some experts believe that France continues to pursue its strategy of selling military weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in its foreign and defense policy aimed at destroying Ansarullah. The present study, written as a foresight and scriptwriting technique with documentary sources, seeks to answer the question of what is the strategy of French foreign and defense policy towards the Yemeni crisis in future and how this strategy will affect the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The result of this research includes three scenarios. The first scenario is the continuation of the war with the aim of gaining European independence from the United States, which has adverse consequences for Iran in international and domestic arenas. The second scenario is an invitation to dialogue, which will increase the security of Iranian maritime traffic on the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean.


Main Subjects

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